Monday, February 17, 2014

February 17, 2014

Hey family! I am so stinking happy right now you have no idea. I am a horse that has been in the corral for 9 months! Holy smokes I truly have never felt better in my whole mission. I am in BAAO GROUP! I told our group leader, Brother Jeff Botor, who is the man by the way, that I WILL NOT GO HOME UNTIL THIS PLACE IS A BRANCH. SO Mom if you want me home by June, pray this place becomes a branch- we are so close! I am so excited I can hardly stand it!
      This group, about 3 weeks ago, used to meet outside under a tarp and the primary was out under the mango tree a little way off. Now we have a small little house that we rent and we go to church there. It fits about 50 people and we fill it up. I truly can't put to words the happiness that is in my heart to be here. 
        On Sunday I was the concluding speaker and I was given 15 or 20 minutes or so. Now I do not mean to brag in my language skills, I know that Chantz Davis is pretty terrible in Tagalog, but I don't hesitate to tell you that Elder Davis can impress people. I know that I haven't learned this language, rather it has been given to me. My tongue has literally changed. I don't want to draw attention to myself by saying this but rather give God the glory for the gift of tongues he has given me. Anyway, I have never spoken Tagalog better in my whole life than I did for those 20 minutes. I had been in Baao for 4 days and THE BICOL HERE IS WAY DIFFERENT than the Bicol in Naga. People in in Naga can't understand people here even though they are only like an hour away. Anyway I even spoke some Ricwanada (I don't even know how to  spell it haha) you should have seen their faces when I told them, "isi ko na isaddi kita sa matood na Simbahan ng Diyos!" They were shocked haha. I have been studying their language and I hope to be very good by the time June comes. I already have a big stack of flash cards and I don't know if you can imagine this but they have no English on them. When I started my mission I would have told you you were crazy if you told me that I would one day study flash cards with Tagalog and Bicol Naga on one side and Baao Rincwanada on the other side. Tagalog is natural now haha. Did I mention I taught the 1 hour priesthood last minute too- that was fun. 
         So I am training! I have a new kid (see pictures) His name is Elder Arganda! I always say, U R GANDA haha I think it is funny- you might not. The members call us Elder Ganda and Elder Gwapo haha he is a really nice kid. He is 18 years old and the only member in his whole family. He converted about 3 years ago! He is a chunk of clay that needs a bit of shaping but I am very happy to be his trainer! We are just hitting the streets and the rice fields and loving it. OPEN AREA IS AWESOME! Very challenging but very fun. He is shy too, yesterday he did his first approach to a person and was so scared to talk to them but he did great- I was a proud Tatay. Training is the best. We are obedient and diligent without exception and we are seeing the miracle as I have seen my whole mission. 
         Also I forgot one calculation from last week. I forgot to add how many times Gramps Sherwood was quoted from the pulpit in 9 months haha. But it would have to be a lot! Also, did I mention that my IGIN (baao) meaning aki (naga) meaning anak (tagalog) meaning child (english) gave a baptismal invitation in his first ever lesson to an investigator? Well he did! 
      I just finished 1st Nephi and it is awesome! I love Nephi! Anyway I was struck by the story of the Liahona. Especially opening an area. It says that the Liahona worked according to their diligence and faithfulness and heed which they gave. I told Elder Arganda that we need a Liahona. I said that we might not be as lucky as Lehi and find it outside the door tomorrow but as it teaches in Alma, "it is as easy to give heed to the words of Christ" as it was for them to follow the Liahona. I have never felt so guided and so blessed in my whole life as I have this past week. You should meet the family we tracted into, fed us and let us share with them. We are going back there tonight. I just can't even say one tenth of what I feel right now.
      The past 9 months have been great. I have learned a lot and have been around two of the best men and 2 of the best women that live today and I have learned so much. But to be frank I am so glad to be out. If you would rather have a hot shower than be able to teach all day then you are crazy! I love Baao! I love missionary work and I know this church is true. I think I am just going to start writing to you in Tagalog I can testify of truth more powerfully in Tagalog.
      I love you all and I pray for you. Thank you for your prayers. Baao needs them. I need them. I love Jesus Christ. I have never felt closer to him. I will try to send you more pictures next week. Have a great one. Choose the right. Love you a bushel.
Elder Davis

New 'air conditioning'

Laundry facilities

Preach My Gospel Laptop

Goodbye mini van!

Great quote!

18 year old Elder Arganda

Pretty small for a 6'3" American.

Beloved rice fields!

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