Monday, April 28, 2014

Sunday April 27th 2014

     This has been a great week, just like always. IT has been a HOT week, just like always! Oh and before I forget- shout out to some awesome Sisters who have B-DAYS in APRIL, Happy Birthday Chels and Ryl! You are old and I am not... joke, sorta hahaha. Love you tons and it will be fun to see you in a few weeks. Speaking of people I love and a few weeks- MOTHER'S DAY IS SOOON! You know what that means, SKYPE! I will let you know next week probably what time and what not. I am excited! 
     So, you probably saw in the pictures but this past week they knocked a wall out of our meeting house because we just don't fit! How cool is that? I wanted to take the sledge hammer at it myself! It is great though, more people can see now rather than just listen. Everyone still can't see though- I told them not to worry about this meeting house- just start building a CHURCH! One day Baao will have a church, that will be a great day! 
     Now i have a sad story. We are teaching an awesome investigator, she came from a member referral and has gone to church and is just AWeSOME! The sad part is when we met the Tatay he said, "I will not allow her to be baptized into that church of yours." And now we just don't know what to do. In 1 week she has read through 1st Nephi and told us, "I don't know what to do. My Dad won't let me go to church anymore and I don't want to go to church anywhere else." It is a rough situation. You have to respect the Tatay- but I am hoping we will be able to talk to him and teach him about what "this church of ours" is all about. She just keeps praying to have her Dad's heart softened. It is sad, but we hope on and pray on and hopefully it will all work out.
     Baao is having 4 AWeSOME peop;e baptized into the Branch on Saturday. They are the Sister's Investigators but they are  AWESOME!!!!!! I am so excited to go. We are pretty close with them and I interviewed them. It should be great. Pictures to come.
     I don't have much else to write about. I think the cutest thing in the world is to watch a little Philipino nipper sing "I am a Child of God." The little girl sang it to me last night and she can't say her r's- it is so cute. She and I and you are all children or God. That knowledge right their should effect every decision we make. I love you all. We have places to go and people to teach! Have a great week! Thank you for your prayers! 
Elder Davis
Elder and Sister Gardner's swing

Snails for dinner anyone?

Mayon Volcano

"Coolest" branch president ever!

One good thing about the heat.... Mangos!

Botor Family

"Best thing a missionary can see".  Walls knocked out to make their meeting 'house' bigger:)

Monday, April 21, 2014

April 20, 2014

Happy Easter Everyone!
     This has been a great week. This past week is known as "Holy Week" and it is a huge deal here. Tons of people outside and well, it is just a big celebration. We have had a curfew for the past three days due to it. But it has been a great week, as always! 
     One of the big highlights was the Zone Conference we had. President gave a GREAT (and timely) advise on "How to Receive Personal Revelation" focused on concerns after the mission like, "What to study?" "What jobs/careers?" "Who?" (Wink Wink Nudge Nudge) haha but it was very good. President is always concerned not just about us as missionaries for these two years but also what we will do and who we will be for the rest of our lives. The Reeders are awesome! 
     So, since we are in Iriga Zone we ALWAYS have power outages. This week we had TONS! One day this week we didn't have any at all but it was rainy so it wasn't TOO hot... but let's be real it is SUMMER IN THE PHILIPPINES! So that was a hot day. You know when you are just WET, like your whole body, I know that feeling haha. The worst is when it is at night though. Two nights this week I woke up to a lack of electric fanage and that equals sweat my friends.
     Speaking of sweat.... I have basically started the Davis Den Gym here in Baao, I am the only member. So I don't know if it is up to date with the gyms back at home, I have been gone 2 years... but it is pretty ADVANCED! (see pictures) I had the husband of one of our members make it for me. I am ASSUMING this will be my last area... if I get transferred then that was not a wise financial investment. But it feels good to lift again, even if it is just that. 
      I can't even begin to tell you about some of the cool new investigators we found! One of them, the most golden of the bunch, let us in when we came to their house and he just started telling us about how he is (insert biggest religion in Philippines) but doesn't agree with all their doctrine because it just simply is not in the Bible. We shared with him about The Restoration. And how that Doctrine he longs for has been Restored to the Earth through a prophet. Then he started telling us about Moses! He said, "How many years has passed since Moses' time and we STILL have the same problem... why do people pray and worship and honor THINGS MADE BY MEN'S HANDS?" I said, "Brother I feel ya- It is almost like we need a Prophet now MAYBE more than ever before!" "Brother, did you know there is one on the earth, and when we come back here next we want to tell you all about it!" HOW AWESOME IS BEING A MISSIONARY! By the way when we found him was one of those times that we were just WET... "hard work will never hurt you." -gramps! 
        Yesterday, Easter Sunday, I spoke in church. I was the concluding speaker and I knew that there was another Elder from my district speaking but we both figured we weren't the only two. BUT we WERE the only two and I was left with like 25 minutes left... sweet haha. It went okay though. If only I didn't inherit Dad's tear glans. My topic was on accepting calls and service. So I told them about John Tanner. It went okay. I LOVE BAAO BRANCH! My last week here is going to be ROUGH!!!!!!!!! 
         I don't know how long it has been since I told you this, but Mom and Dad you are the best! I have been born of goodly parents. Thank you for all you do for me. A kid couldn't ask for better parents. Haven't seen you in two years but I can still hear your voices in my head when I have to make a decision. To put it in Taglish- you are DA BEST! (They say "Davis" and "The Best" the same way sometimes... isn't that the best? (pun)) 
       Mom said something pretty cool in her email to me today, I have heard it from her about every Easter, it comes from President Hinckley who said, "If it wasn't for Easter Sunday Jesus would have been just another babe born in Bethlehem." I always share with those we teach the most simple Resurrection Lesson I learned back when I was a wee little lad. I remember when we would open those 12 eggs and all of them had something inside of it signifying the life and death of the Savior. Then I always remember opening the last egg, I was the youngest so it was usually me and then NOTHING WAS INSIDE! And I remember thinking, "Mom, you forgot the candy." But then you would explain WHY there was nothing inside. And of course it is because that is how they found his EMPTY SEPULCHER. I am His missionary. I wear His name. I also bear testimony that He does live. And that this is the "Living Chruch" and He stands at its head! And as He has done in the history of this world He guides us through a Living Prophet. Well, I have typed long enough, and I am sure you have read long enough. I love you all a bushel! 
Elder Davis 
Corn patch

Homemade barbells:)


Elder Davis

Monday, April 14, 2014

Sunday April 13th 2014

     Okay this week was just crazy. About 3 hours after I emailed you last week President Reeder called telling me I would be going to Manila to get my fingerprints taken. Something to do with immigration so I will be able to go home. He said we fly out on Thursday, crazy no? So that was Monday, Tuesday I had exchanges and Wednesday night we stayed in Naga for our flight the next morning. Thursday was spend getting drove around MASSIVE MANILA and GOING TO THE TEMPLE! I have never been so Temple Trunky in my life... but don't worry I am not trunky! But truly though, it has almost been 2 years since I have gone. My mission will be the longest stretch in my life that I won't be at the temple haha. It was amazing to be out of this world once again. Also, I am super glad I am not serving in Manila. I am a country boy now and forever. 
     So to explain the pictures. The drink thing I figured you would like to see. I have no idea what it is, I just know it is delicious. It is hot (stove hot) and yummy. No idea what the ingredients are- all I know is when they walk around yelling TAHO! I am there to buy it. The snake, python, to be exact is a pet of one of our investigators. You should see that thing eat a mouse or a rat! Also that little girl I took pictures with is the cutest thing this side of the world! She makes me miss the nippers back home. Prepare their minds (aka brain wash them) for the return of the Uncle Chantz (The Favorite Uncle) Sorry Race. 
     Also speaking of that weird drink that I have no idea about. TAHO!!!!!! You should hear them yell that, it is classic. Anyway about that, I have a friend in the mission here, I won't mention any names, but he showed me a picture at General Conference of a 9 inch worm that came out of him last week.... yeah! That was for you Mom ;)
     Okay now for some General Conference Highlights from my notes: Hope is the attitude that the future will be better than it's history! 
If you ever find yourself in a place you shouldn't be- GET OUT! 
Be the same person in the dark as you are in the light.
Don't do that which is easy, do that which is right.
Elder Holland was just Elder Holland. When he yells I scream.
You are infinitely more important than a tree. 
Oh, things will work out.
Elder Scott has game...
We learn  obedience as we become obedient. ERED  (ERED is what I type on his letters every week, meaning Every Rule Every Day)
And the prisoner shall go free. (How cool is it that angels watch us?)
Be grateful in all situations.
Something within us resists endings because we are eternal beings! 
Elder Ballard totally used his mission skills to get his wife haha. (No that is not on my mind)
Praying doesn't change God, it changes me.
Of all the sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these: It might have been.
There are things that can't be taught but can be learned! (quote of the conference for me)
Be careful who you follow.
Elder Perry's talk was my favorite maybe, when he talked about His "Heavenly Boyhood" and his relationship with his Grandpa and the advise his Grandpa gave him about "The spiritual bit in his mouth and the driver who sometimes gives a tug on the reigns so that we know where we should go." A tug of the reigns on an obedient horse will completely change it's course!  Obedience is the emblem of our faith. Basta.... it was a way good talk. It hit home. 
Truth is always accompanied with opposition! 
Joseph was either a pretender or a prophet... not a lot of options.
Be a bit better. 
      It was a great conference! I can't wait to study the talks. I believe and know with everything in me that they are Prophets, Seers, and Revelators! God changes not, the heavens are not closed. God has not ceased to talk to men. Miracles have not ceased, angels have not ceased to minister unto the children of men. God lives and loves us. I know that more than anything else. I love teaching that one principle- God lives and loves us. Speaking of that we need to teach some people about that living loving God. So have a great week. I pray for you and I love you all a bushel! 
Elder Davis

Monday, April 7, 2014

Sunday April 6th 2014

Hello All!
     Well, all of you have seen General Conference now! We have to wait til next week! But I am very excited! Elder Teh spoke I heard, that is GREAT! He is awesome! Pinoy Pride! Anyways, I am sure you had a great April 6 Sunday... but I am betting it wasn't quite as great as the April 6 Sunday here!
     Yesterday, April 6, 2014 Baao Group was organized into Baao Branch! Now that is awesome! April 6, 1830 The Restored Church of Christ was again organized on the earth! Making our organization of Baao Branch just that much more awesome! Yesterday was amazing! We had over 100 people OVERFLOWING our tiny little hot SACRED meeting house! Can you believe that- first meeting of this Branch and there are over 100 people there... can you smell ward and stake? I hope so in the future! And lets just build a temple while we are at it... I already know the hill we'll build it on haha. I am joking but truly yesterday was amazing! 
     The newly called Branch Presidency gave their testimonies and seeing there was some time left President Reeder asked me from the pulpit if I would come bear my testimony to them about "how the missionaries feel about this." So I went up and gave a very short testimony... but I did 25 to 30% of it in their native language! I had no time to prepare, but the spirit allowed me to speak some Rinconada to them as well as the Tagalog, of course. I can't really accurately tell you however just how great the meeting was! It was 90 degrees and probably 90% humidity (people are fasting) and we were CRAMMED in there but it was AMAZING! I could go on and on... but I will stop.
     We watched the Joseph Smith video this week with a family in our BRANCH (I can't help but smile when I say that) and it is just amazing to here them testify of Joseph Smith. The pioneers here are soooo strong. The Tatay we watched the movie with said that the first Sunday after he was baptized he walked out of his house to go to church and people had lined up outside his house trying to refrain him from going to church. They said terrible things. All because he was baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. You should here his testimony. They don't even know where New York is...but they know that a young boy that grew up there was called of God to be a Prophet and because of that knowledge no persecutions have stopped them. 
     Alma 28:8 smacked me in the face this week in my study. Hear it, a shortened version of it, "sufferings... sorrows... afflictions.... incomprehensible joy... bless their souls forever." These are the attributes of a mission served with honor. I have felt a little of all of that... but mostly I have felt the joy and the blessings. Thank you for your prayers on my behalf. Nothing better than serving a mission! Love you all a bushel! 
Elder Davis
 P.S. Aunt Tonna will you be my Rook Partner? We will kick booty at the next Family Reunion! 
April 6th 2014, Baao becoming a branch!
Baao 'group' appox August 2013

Baao Primary room approx August 2013

April 6th 2014, Baao branch

Sunday night surprise.

I asked Elder Davis if I could have your email address.....
This is Sister Gardner
Thank you for the wonderful necklace, with my name
 and a map of the Philippines.
That was so thoughtful of you, and your son.
When you say I don't know you, I think I do. 
Anyone who has raised a son like Elder Davis,
 is an amazing mother. 
 So in a way I do know you.
I told him I would try not to go on and on about him,
 and I could.
He is exceptional.  Now that he is serving in the Baao area,
 I have gotten to know
him better.  He was such a good AP, whenever we see
 President and Sister Reeder,
they ask about him.  And say what a strong spirit
 he has and how they love him.
We just agree....
To see him and Elder Argunda go walking down
 the paths is really a site.
You can tell they enjoy serving with each other.
Elder Davis being so tall, and Elder Argunda is
 "maybe" 5 feet tall,
they are quite a team.
I have watched Elder Davis talk of the Savior
 many times with tears in his eyes...
He is truly a disciple.
And, he is so friendly and calming to be around...
of course you already know this.
I want to tell you of one experience we had with the two elders.
We were sitting in a very very humble home,
 dirt floor, really almost a lean to...
They were explaining the First Vision to a single sister...
and standing at her open door,  stood 5 young children,
listening to every word they said....
Elder Davis held up the brochure showing
Joseph Smith in the grove with Heavenly Father
 and Jesus Christ..
as he spoke quietly and assuredly about
 the truthfulness of this happening,
he turned the brochure to the children
 and ask them "How many do you see?"
One little boy said, "I see two".....It was so powerful,
I had to fight to keep the tears from just flowing down.
I will never forget that moment....
These children are catholic.....
I know you will be so happy to see him
 especially after he has lost his grandfather..
But we will be sad to see him go....What a future
 he has in front of him...
we are honored to have served with him...
 Sister Gardner