Well everyone, this has been maybe the coolest week of my mission. If pictures are worth a thousand words.. I hope to send you about 20 thousand words today! I hope you didn't freak out that I didn't email yesterday, our P-day was switched today by President because we had a "district activity." So yeah, I'm not transferred or anything just an odd week. So I am basically The Mormon Missionary Version of CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW... go go go go a mission life for me.
So this week Elder Blakel (good buddy of mine), who is also assigned is Virac, had a case of "The Swift and Mighties." And they are over 2 areas, one in Virac and one VERY FAR AWAY in San Vicente. Because Elder Blakely was otherwise detained I went in his stead. It was the EXCHANGE of my dreams, San Vicente is the farthest and most remote area in our mission and I wish I could stay there for the rest of my two years... but that's not how the revelation works haha. So buckle up for some stories and good pictures. It was the experience of a lifetime, the mission I always dreamed of.
So early Wednesday morning Elder Balad (my Filipino companion for the week) and I sent out for San Vicente leaving Elders Lavaka and Blakely at Virac. In order to get to San Vicente there are two real options 1, take a bus owned by a man named Mr. Suave who is said to say has NO SUAVE but does have a nice mustache daw. Walang Suave si Suave. His Jeepnie/bus is the only real vehicle that goes to San Vicente and it goes twice a week-ish. It is a ride of about 5 hours daw, all the way to the north part of the Island with sketchy roads, and they often break down.. Option 2, take a bus about 2 hours and then take a banka... a small fishing boat to San Vicente mismo or a near village and walk the rest of the way. We went with option 2 and it was good that we did because Mr. Suave broke down and there was no travel during the week.
So we had our bus ride, the usual happened, TONS of people, a few pigs on board, our driver was crazy-shirtless and smoking, and the view was breathtaking. That was the usual, but still awesome. Once we got to the village of Bugga Manok (sp) we went to the boats. We were extremely fortunate to find a boat willing to go straight to San Vicente. Generally this time of year the fisherman wont dare go to San Vicente because the ocean is too strong and the passage too dangerous. But we found someone willing to go. So we shipped off to the deep blue... I felt like Jack Sparrow, just not drunk, and I was going to Preach the Everlasting Gospel and not plunder haha. Still cool.
The boat ride was AMAZING, and a little scary. To get to San Vicente you have to pass through a stretch of water- guarded one side by the rocky cost and the other side by a small island. Because of this the waves get very disorderly and gives the reason why most fisherman don't like going. Once you have passed through that you hit the mouth? tail? of the river and ride into the jungle for a bit and then YOU'RE THERE. San Vicente! We made it alright but a little wet. Also flying fish still amaze me. "It MAY not be on a story sea..."
Once in San Vicente you are in San Vicente. Real small and not much too do except go into the jungle. It reminded me of Eagar, and as we all know IT IS ALWAYS BETTER IN A SMALL TOWN! The life is very simple there. You wake up early, work and get your ulam (whatever you want to eat with your rice) and come home to your family. Very simple and just great. We sleep in the meeting house there that is connected to the Branch Presidents house- PRESIDENT MOLINA! The living conditions are pretty poor but the food is DELICIOUS. The Molina's feed us. I have never loved the food here more. I LOVE IT! Also, our "mattresses" there are pretty gross. I've been a lot more comfortable sleeping out camping than I have on those THIN, GROSS, mattresses. Basically like sleeping on the cement but I was grateful we even had that- most people don't around here.
The mosquitoes are crazy over there! Every morning when we wake up we would see who had more blood spots on their sheet from rolling over on mosquitoes in the night. Had a few bits, hopefully I don't get Dangay Fever (sp). This week subdued my desire to camp for a while. I was in The Jungle of The Jungle haha. And hopefully the pictures go through, I am having some trouble right now. San Vicente is beautiful.
So the work of the Lord is progressing even there in remote San Vicente. And a large part of that is due to The Molina's! The Molina's are incredible. Even better than there cooking (which is amazing, did I mention that?) IS there conversion to the Gospel. EVERYDAY, EVERDAY, EVERYDAY, they meet as a full family- sing a hymn and pray and then read the scriptures together. They are so awesome. There would be no Branch there if if weren't for them. They do everything. They are so awesome, I wish I could get to know them more. But I will say this, to all those who may struggle reading from the Book of Mormon and Bible everyday. If the Molina's, in the middle of NOWHERE, with NOTHING, can set aside a time everyday to read so can WE. I will everyday for the rest of my life. And that includes Family Home Evening weekly too. You should see the spirit that is in each member of that family's eyes. They are so happy- as ALL people are that are converted to this Gospel. They need not earthly things, they have Heavenly things and Heavenly things await them.
So yeah I love the Molina's! The best part of the whole week was of course TEACHING! The boat rides were cool, but not near as great nor as LASTING as teaching. I met a lot of great people and we felt a great spirit in some awesome lessons. It reminded me of 2nd Nephi 29:7 "... I, the Lord your God, have created all men, and that I remember those who are upon the ISLANDS of the sea; and that I rule in the heavens above and in the earth beneath; and I bring forth my word unto the children of men. yea, even upon all the nations of the earth" SO AWESOME to be his missionary! Weather you serve in Naga Philippines or Wisconsin- you teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Children of God and THAT is the best part!
The week flew by, we had a great time and sadly it was already time to go back to the noisy city. San Vicente is so quite, I miss it. The problem was we didn't know how to get home... Mr. Suave was still broke down, and we couldn't find a boat out of there. One member said he would take us but his boat was broke down as well so our option was WALK haha. We woke up at about 4ish a.m. grabbed our bags and walked about two hours in the dark. It was raining and the jungle road was turned into a half muddy river. But we made it to the village of Bugaw where they told us we could find a boat. We got there about an hour and a half early so we just sat there on the beach, found AWESOME shells, took pictures, and watch the sunrise. Then we nag-banka(ed) our way out of there. Again such an AMAZING boat ride. And it cost 25 pesos (about 50 American cents). I almost fell over with one wave that came out of nowhere but other than that is was smooth sailing. We made it to Bugga Manok and hit that same bus back home. It was the coolest week of my mission.
I forgot one part, the best part. SACRAMENT MEETING! Sacrament meeting there was perhaps the best one I have ever participated in. It was a small, but sacred house of God and I felt God's love and learned of The Atonement of Jesus Christ in so much more detail. We sang two grate songs, "I Stand all Amazed" and "I'll go Where you Want me to go." You'll remember we got there "over stormy seas." Elder Balad and I blessed the sacrament, a massive cockroach got both on my high thigh (under the pants) and my face. I was freaking out, luckily no one noticed. Gross. But I don't even care anymore... it's the place I live and love. One of our deacons didn't even have sandals, he was barefoot. How ungrateful I sometimes am. I learned so much of the Atonement. HEY- if you can, SERVE A MISSION (to whom it may apply). haha
What an awesome week. And today, we had our p-day, with a district activity that was awesome! So I am happy and doing well. Talk to you next week. Love you all a bushel! Keep reading, keep praying, be thankful, come to Christ and he'll come to you. Go to church, take the sacrament and "ALWAYS remember Him." I love you all and pray for you daily!
Elder Davis
P.S. Watch our for the white of my thighs... they haven't seen the sun in a very long time! And did I mention that sometimes I forget that I am white and tall? Well I do. Pinoy na ako!