Monday, October 29, 2012
October 29th 2012
So I am being transferred as we speak. I still don't know where or who will be my companion. The AP's just dropped me off at a Zone Leader's apartment for tonight and tomorrow I will know where I am going. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared/nervous. They say generally if you had a good trainer (which I did) you get a bad follow-up. We'll see. I am excited but nervous ect. I think I am going to CATS, one of the islands!!!!!!!!!! It's really called Catenguanes (ignore the spelling). But truly I know as much as you do about where I am. And I barely know more than you about what these people are saying all around me hahaha.
I have no time and I have no idea what is really happening but I will know next week. Sorry this is so short but that's how it goes on the mission I guess. The only email I have been able to read is your's Mom so I'll read everyone else's next week. Well I love you all and I pray for you daily. I really need to learn Tagalog quickly. It is a good thing I know this church is true. And I know wherever I go it's because God wants me there and there are people who desperately need the Gospel that I will preach. Well I love you and wish I had more to tell you.
Elder Davis
Monday, October 22, 2012
October 22nd 2012
Howdy Hey,
So first off I have FAILED in pictures this week, sorry! So I told you last week that I was thinking about writing about tithing? So here's an email about tithing with only one (not so great) picture, hope you enjoy haha. So I have told you before of the humble circumstances of the people that we teach. They live in houses with grass roofs and dirt floors, mostly made of bamboo. They eat rice every meal and fish, because that is the least expensive of all the meats here. They truly have nothing and it is so hard to watch sometimes. I've seen kids hungry, shoeless (meaning they can't afford FLIP FLOPS) and without much hope, IT BREAKS MY HEART! I get sick to my stomach and it is hard to see. Now why do I tell you this?
In my mind, what I am doing is either right or wrong. It is either good, or evil.I'll justify that statement later hopefully. I go into people's homes and tell them of all the things I believe. I tell them how there lives will be blessed and they will be happy. I tell them that it is possible to live with our families FOREVER. I say bold things at times. One of those "bold things" is Tithing. I share that part of being a part of this church is that we give 10% of our income to God (or His Church). That God has commanded us to do that through a prophet, much like he has done in the past. 10% is A LOT! Especially when you worried about how to feed your children that week.
I am always shocked to see how many people follow this commandment so willingly. But then I think, "Once we know it is true- Nothing else matters." President Hinckley gave a talk here in the Philippines and he promised the people here that if they would pay there tithing they would ALWAYS have 3 things (1)Clothes on their backs (2) A house to live in (3) "Rice in their bowls". That is a bold promise from a prophet of God. But I know it's true. And as with all commandments we are blessed when we follow them. I can see how tithing has blessed my life and my families life.
So what I do (in my mind) is of God or it's not, Because God and Jesus Christ either appeared to Joseph Smith or they did not, and if they did (and I know for myself that THEY DID) this is the TRUE CHURCH. If they didn't it's obviously not God's church. So I ask people to give 10% of ALL THEY HAVE FOR INCOME to this Church that claims they are the one true church of God. If it's not true, what I am doing is bad (in my mind).
Why though, do these people or all members of this church pay tithing? It's because they know, because the Holy Ghost has told them, that this is God's true church and Joseph Smith was God's true Prophet. I can say that with no doubt and with all my heart. God answered my prayer when I asked if this church and if The Book of Mormon was true. That same thing happens to these people. And I promise them, as a missionary of Jesus Christ (just like The Prophet Gordon B Hinckley promised) that "you will have rice in your bowls." Once we know it is true nothing else matters and we are blessed and we are happy. Some blessing come quick others we have to wait for (like the Gift of Tongues) and other blessings we will receive only after this life but we will get those blessings as we are obedient to the commandments and our covenants.
So if I just bored you I am sorry. But for me it's the most exciting thing in the world. I have played in a State Championship Basketball Game, I have thrown last second touchdown passes to beat my our rival football team and nothing is as exciting or brings more happiness as missionary work, meaning telling people the truth and they know it is true. I have worn some GOOD LOOKIN BLACK AND GOLD JERSEYS and nothing makes me feel like I do when each day I put on a shirt and tie and put on my missionary name tag that says "Elder Davis The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints" or in Tagalog, "Ang Simbahan Ni JesuCristo ng mga Banal sa mga Huling Araw."
Well tapos na. I hope that wasn't too long or "preachy". This week I led EVERY LESSON and planed EVERYDAY. It was fun and went great and I got much better at Tagalog but I am excited to hand the reigns back over to Elder Vogelsberg haha. Tagalog is comming, but it is still hard, obviously.
It may be the weirdest thing in the world to see a Christmas Tree out when it's the temperature it is here. The Christmas trees are out and the Christmas music is playing- and has been for a few weeks- THIS IS MY KIND OF COUNRTY!
This is probably mine Elder Vogelsberg's last week. After that NEW COMPANION AND MAYBE NEW AREA. Let's just pray it's the same language haha. Let me know what you want me to write home about. I am doing well, I love it so much. Nothing could get me to come home. I hope all is well back there and I pray for you all daily. Thanks for your prayers. I love you all very much. Alam ko na totoo ang simbahan na ito, at totoong propeta si Joseph Smith. Mahal ko ang mission na ito at alam ko na mahalaga at totoo ang mga itinuro ko, Sa pangalan ni Jesus Christ amen.
Elder Davis
P.S. Give the little nippers nieces and nephews hugs for me.
Monday, October 15, 2012
October 15th 2012
Kumusta Po,
So where do I even begin? This week was awesome.
We got to watch General Conference and it was GREAT. President Eyring
made me think of Dad so much. In his talk of how he carved wooden planks
for his sons it made me think of how Dad has has carved me and all the
kids in our lives. I hope, if ever given the opportunity, I will be as
good of a dad as Dad was for me. Then there was President Uchtdorf's
talk, he made me think of Mom. He talked about how we're young we think
we will never get old and then all the sudden we realize that we're
growing up and life goes by quickly. This made me think of Mom so much,
you always had a hot meal ready Mom, we ALWAYS had Family Home Evening,
and I always knew what you expected of me. I remember when I would do
something bad and you would tell me, "that's not becoming of you." I
still hate those words haha but I love what they made me become.
President Monson also sadly lamented that his mother's only regret in
him was that he didn't stick with piano- right there with you President
haha. But I can play enough to lead a small group of little Philippino
saints, thank you Mom. In the same talk he talked about spending time
with those we love, I'm glad our family is so close and that my best
friends include my own siblings. Anyways, Conference was inspiring in
many ways.
I can't believe Davis and Nash both broke their arms, crazy
kids. Ingatan ang aking mga bata! Jk. Also tell LOGAN HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I
just got his letter today and it was AWESOME! I love that kid. I can't
wait to hang out with him when I get home. Love you bud. So we got tons
of apples? I want both apple pie and apple juice when I get home so
don't eat it all haha just kidding. It is so weird to think that the
weather is changing there because it's not changing here- still HOT AND
HUMID. But I actually like it, call me crazy.
So this weeks pictures are not so good, I realized I didn't
have any pictures late in the week so I grabbed a goat yesterday
(they're everywhere) and snapped a picture and then today I realized
that's all I had so then Elder Vogelsberg took pictures on a moving
Jeepnie, it was pretty fun- but the pictures are RANDOM! So use whatever
one's you like for the blog Mom.
So this week is week 11 of our 12 week training program which
means I PLAN AND LEAD EVERYTHING! Scary stuff. I basically become senior
companion for a week. Also did I mention that I don't know Tagalog? If
not that's something that is true- I don't know Tagalog fully YET! I
lead a lot of the lessons as it is but this week I lead everything, but
Elder Vogelsberg is awesome and obviously helps and by helps I mean
Saves the Day every time. So let me tell you about some of the people we
teach and just what I do everyday. I wake up as 6:30 every morning and
pray, exercise, eat breakfast, and shower. At eight I have an hour of
personal study in the scriptures until nine. Then I study Tagalog until
ten o'clock and then we have companionship study for 2 hours because I'm
in training (generally that is an hour too). After the morning hours we
go and teach and help people ALL DAY LONG. Our day "ends" at 9:00 (or
9:30 if we're teaching a lesson) and we return to our apartment. We plan
for the next day and then go to bed at 10:30. At night I spend my time
reading Ang Aklat Ni Mormon sa Tagalog and istig iyan! I am learning a
lot by reading it.
I would estimate that we teach 75 or 80 percent of the time
to Less Actives, and only 25 percent to investigators. The focus right
now is strengthening our members here and slowly continue to build. The
Philippines exploded with baptisms when missionaries first came and now
we are working to strengthen the many that were baptised so quickly.
It's awesome work. I love getting to know all these people and I will be
sad to leave them! I loved them the first time I saw them and I love
them now even more.
Also for some reason, the name "Davis" is EXTREMELY EASY
for little kids to remember here. Many it is the fact that my companions
name is VOGELSBERG but either way they can remember Davis extremely
well. They can't pronounce it great though, they say Dabes or Dabis.
They're not good at V's. Regardless, DAILY as we walk around to teach, I
hear a bunch of kids start yelling "Elder Dabis" it's super cute- they
love it and I love it too.
I can't pick one person to write about- I just can't. They
are all awesome. They are so poor. To me it is ODD when there ISN"T A
CHICKEN walking around between everyone's feet as we teach. Most homes
have dirt floors and grass roofs. The people have nothing but they are
happy still. Because the things that make us happy in this life AREN"T
THINGS! It's our families it's our faith in God and a hope for a better
world (Ether 12:4). Ether 12:4 is my favourite scripture for these
people and maybe for myself. Also, the same things make them sad, such
as, missing family, sinning, an ect. it's not the lack of worldly
possessions that make them sad. Some of the happiest people I have ever
met are the Estrada's they struggle for food and they sleep on bamboo
with no padding or pillow (to speak of). And yet they are happy. Why?
They knew where they came from, why they are here, and where they are
going. They find the love of Christ in HIS TRUE CHURCH. It is so awesome
to give an invaluable message to a people who have nothing.
I am running out of time. I hope that maybe we can do what
President Monson advised us to do in Conference that is- Be Grateful.
Maybe write down big but also small blessings we have in our lives. I
have realized so much how blessed I have been while I have been here.
You sit on chairs with PADDING! You sleep WITH NO BUGS ON YOU. You have
water that needs no filtering. You have FOOD everyday, more that you
need. You have a car- in this country if you have a personal bike you're
doing pretty good. There are so many blessings and I hope I will
remember my whole life to thank our Father in Heaven for my blessings.
"Think to Thank" as President Monson? has said.
Well I got nothing else. I will try to be more entertaining
next week. I hope to write about Tithing! And It won't be boring, maybe.
I love you all and I pray for you daily. I feel your prayers. If I
didn't KNOW this was true I wouldn't be here. But it is true and I hope
all will eventually know that it is true.
Elder Davis
Monday, October 8, 2012
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Smelling the Fruit Loop Tree |
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Really? |
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DON'T DO IT!!! |
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The Fruit Loop Tree |
I am so jealous that you have all already seen General
Conference!!! I don't get to watch it until Saturday!!! Holy Smokes They
LOWERED THE MISSION AGE???! As Joseph Smith said, "The truth of God
will go forth BOLDLY, NOBLY and INDEPENDENT until it has reached every
nation!" Not a bad prophecy for a church that started with 4 members...
Holy Smokes that is cool! I can't wait to watch. With them lowering
the age and getting more missionaries it's almost like we are getting
ready for something (or Someone) to come???? Ihanda ang inyong
sarili!!!!!(meaning- prepare yourselves) "The rock cut out of the
mountain without hands without hands?" Anyone? "Rolling forth until it
consumes the whole Earth?" Yes sir that's in the Bible. Holy Smokes I
hope everyone back home is sharing the Gospel with EVERYONE you know. If
you don't they will be sad and so will you. And if you share it, they
and you, will be happy beyond belief. And any time you think you can't
share this PINAKAMAGANDA (most beautiful) Message because you are
scared, or you think you are incapable, just imagine doing it in
TAGALOG? You can do it- you need to do it. I am just so happy right now.
I am a missionary for Jesus Christ and His Church and I am not scared
in the least to say that. So SHARE THE GOSPEL WITH EVERYONE! Also
another temple in ARIZONA?? Holy Smokes that is awesome... Missouri
Jackson County Temple next hahaha just kidding.
So now...I may, or may not, BUT DEFINITELY DID eat Balut.
Sorry Mom. It was an experience not to forget for the rest of my life.
For those that don't know- Balut is basically a HALF FERTILIZED DUCK
EGG. For a greater description see the pictures... for the best
description go to your nearest Philippo nation and try it yourself. It
was- words can't describe. And I got it on video but it won't send home
so you'll have to wait until I get home to see the video- funniest thing
of your life.
So we buy the Balut right, it had been a long day and it was
raining and the little shack selling it was sketchy enough on its own.
We buy it and go back to the house. Now it becomes much more real... the
mental game begins and I have to see if I can muster the courage to eat
this thing. I pealed back the shell and along with a unpleasant smell
came weird brown liquid (with floaties). It took me a while to get the
courage but I ATE IT! And right before I did, Elder Vogelsberg said,
"Quack! Quack!" I nearly threw up but I must say that it really wasn't
too bad. So now if anyone ever asks, "Hey have you ever eaten fertilized
duck egg before?" I can answer in the affirmative.
So we teach a few families in a surrounding barangay called
Odicon and at one family, the Thurston's, grows a tree that's leaves
smell just like Froot Loops! It is amazing how similar the smell is, so
Elder Vogelsberg and I always smell a few as we go by. I bet people
thing we are like doing drugs or something hahaha. It smells sooo good
and it makes me really want some Froot Loops haha, 20 months for that.
Speaking of which, can you believe I have already hit my 4
month mark? IT IS GOING BY TOO FAST! Especially because I still don't
know Tagalog haha. The time is literally flying though, I have no idea
where it goes. Long days but the weeks fly by! I can't believe it has
been 9 years since Grandma passed away, that's a long time. Also on a
related note, you should tell Grandpa to write me if he feels up to it. I
would love to get a written letter from him. Also Mom you asked about
my mission president, He is AWESOME and yes Kellen was his assistant and
he thinks he's awesome. President Bliesner truly is awesome though, I
am sad I will only have him for one year. The time is flying and I still
don't know Tagalog hahaha, it's coming though.
The pictures of the kiddos are awesome! THEY ARE HUGE!
Mary-Kate is taller than most of the people in the Philippines I think
haha. They are so big! It terrifies me to come home... terrifies me! I
have had the same dream like 5 times that I am home after a
full honourable mission and they are so real and so scary. In the dreams
all I want to do is go back and teach and continue to be a missionary.
They scare the pants off me! In 10 months, I will only have 10 months
left... THAT'S SHORT!
Anyway I must go, time to share the good news. I love you all
and I pray for you DAILY! Thanks for your prayers.I can't wait to hear
what you have to say about the Balut! Masarap in Tagalog Masaramon in
Bicol and Delicious in English hahaha It is weird to think that back
home it is getting cold- cold is not a feeling I have anymore... it's
just hot. But I am used to it already, truly I get chilly at night and
have to shut the fan off. Elder Vogelsberg thinks I am crazy haha.
So I hope you enjoy the pictures. I'll do better about
writing about the people we teach this week. I do that in my journal
every night so sometimes I forget to write about them in my emails home.
I love you all and pray for you daily.
Elder Davis
Monday, October 1, 2012
October 1, 2012. The daily/nightly 'present' that is left, cute cute cute kids!
Hey Everyone,
So first off, I have a friend in the Denver South
Mission! Is Kelton English or Spanish speaking? Either way it is way
way way AWESOME! And now, CADE MORTY is serving in the Philippines????
That's so awesome, now I have another person to speak Tagalog to when I
get home. That's so exciting. He's going to love it because, It's the
best country to serve a mission in of course! If only he was in Naga.
Anyway that is awesome about those two.
So guess what everybody? I have lost eleven pounds!!!!!! I
will be a stick when I go home. A white 6 feet 3 inch STICK! 11 pounds,
and I have only been here 8 weeks. And I eat A LOT. The food is
delicious here. But yeah, I'm dwindling in size. But I am also getting
stronger, with my daily push-up's and what not. So yeah, FYI, I will be
tiny when I get home. And I haven't even been sick yet. And I think I
am still growing maybe... not sure.
So my talk in church was good. It's OVER! That's the best
part. But I took up the allotted time and I was understood and no one
laughed so as Gramp's Sherwood would say, "Good enough for the girls we
go with."
Also, yes we do get to watch General Conference but it is a
week late. I am so excited! It's in English too, and though I am getting
better in Tagalog I am glad it's in English haha.
So I
don't know if you remember me telling you about the alley way we have to
walk through to get to our apartment but it's sufficient to say, It's
nasty! So today we walked out to come do Email and we saw, well, we
saw... "EVIDENCE" (a big nasty evidence) that a human had been there
recently. We've seen a few of these un-ignorable "evidences" but today
we decided to document them for your enjoyment. I just hope one day we
catch the maker of these "evidences." Or do I hope for that? Not sure. .
. Anyway I felt like some of you didn't believe so just look at the
picture haha. The smell that is in this alley is always different and it
is ALWAYS BAD hahaha PASACAO 2012!
I also took some pictures with some kids that we teach. I
think you'll like the cribs the kids have to sleep in. Also, in the
picture with the young girl (Aricka Bunion) whose family is a part
member, they told us that last week their neighbor got bit by a COBRA!
I've seen two dead snakes now, but none alive. Apparently the person
didn't die but his leg doesn't look so good. And apparently there are
Cobras and Pythons- cool. I want to see (from a distance) both of those
So this week was awesome, I am still terrible at Tagalog but I
AM GETTING BETTER! Thank Heavens, literally! We have had such a busy
week and we taught A TON of lessons! But we need new investigators bad.
We will find some this week hopefully. I love being a missionary.
Teaching people is so cool, just to give them the Book of Mormon and
tell them of Joseph Smith and teach them about the Plan of Salvation and
all the things we teach mean one thing in my mind- that ONE thing
being, "Jesus Christ lives and loves us." He lives and loves us so he
called a prophet to direct us, we have one right now. He gave us the
Book of Mormon to help us learn of Him and to give us evidence that This
Church is true. He's given us the Plan of Salvation through the B.O.M.
and through prophets, and because of all our knowledge we know that we
can return to live with Him AGAIN! All that we do is centered around
Jesus Christ and His Atonement. It's all about Jesus Christ and his love
for us.
I love teaching these people about everything, all I am doing
is telling the TRUTH. That is an easy thing to do. And if you know me
at all, I am terrible at lying. I tell these people about the truth and I
tell them that I know it is true because I have prayed and God answered
my prayers and that through the Holy Ghost I know these things are
true. I then say, you don't have to believe me, ask God yourself and I
know he will answer you as he did for me. THE ONLY REASON I am serving a
mission is because my prayers have been answered and I know these
things are true. SO AMAZING!
I hope everything is good there. It must be, it's Fall time
in Eagar! That's the best time of the year! I hope everyone is doing
good. I hope no one gets too grossed out about the pictures... haha I
give you the permission to include them in your blog or not but I say do
it. My kids deserve to see that hahahaha.
Well hope all is well. I pray for you daily and I hope you all
know I love you tons. The time is flying by here. Before I know it I
will be home, and I will know Tagalog and none of you will hahaha it's
weird that you don't know Tagalog. But then again, I don't know it yet
either hahahaha
Elder Davis
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